

I had this urge to visit my blog just now, while on a work trip in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Perhaps being confined to the hotel makes one reflect a bit.

I just realized it's been ten years since I first blogged... just for kicks, I went back to 08.01.2002 - 08.31-2002 just to see how things were 10 years ago versus now. I remembered how this blog kept me sane when I first started it - perhaps it was an outlet for me in thinking through the ideas in my head. (after all, the original title for this blog was "the random thoughts of hollyholz") This could be used again now for the very same reason, since it's been hard to process thoughts as of late.

Reading through the blog, I realized I haven't really changed much at all, in terms of my values, and where I find joy/entertainment. Despite this thought, I know that my world has changed tenfolds since then. I've gone through seeing loved ones get sick, losing loved ones to illnesses, graudating, finding a job, switching churches, gaining friends, losing friends, finding my bestest friend and marrying him, quitting a job, taking a leap of faith, finding an unexpected job that was truly God sent, and now... just abosrbing all the changes and transitions in the past few years.

This year, I've learned that change is never ending... and that there is no constant other than God alone. Prior to this year, I had thought in the midst of a change, at least there would be other constants in life that'd keep you afloat (for that time being). But this year... I've come to learn there are no constants in life. Family and friends are normally the anchors in one's life. (normally - but not always. however, in my case it is) However, family life does change naturally when one gets married (though married life is treating me well to date). Friends that you've hoped to journey with for your life eventually find other paths to their walk. This seems to be a really long lesson, as it's taken me quite some time to learn. The challenge is to continue to find the joys and thankful items in light of all the changes, in dealing with the change.

I guess this isn't so much of a random thought, but an attempt to untangle the many thoughts in my mind this past year.


my mom greeted me with a question when i came home tonight. she asked me what i thought of the iphone because she wanted one for herself.

i can't believe my mom wanted an iphone before i requested for one.

she also asked how one could check email and go on the internet with the iphone. i told her people need a data plan in order to email and go on the internet. she then proceeded to ask me how to get a data plan, and whether you can buy one like a modem.

that was the shocker of the hour.



i need to fall in love with a fruit or two. any suggestion?



lately, i'm being reminded of what it means to have joy. only with joy can you truly be thankful of what surrounds you - even in the toughest and unfavourable situations.




recently, i've had experiences where i've pretty much had to duke it out with the people closest to me. and the awesome thing is, as painful as it is to go through an argument or a "honest talk" which involves being frank (not "tom", haha... to jl, that is)... the end of it results in a really awesome feeling of knowing that the friendship/relationship between the person and myself is authentic and genuine. instead of assuming things or having to guess what's going on in the other party's head, it's an epiphany to me to know what the person is thinking (and vice versa).

though some wounds heal from confrontations, while others don't... both come to the same conclusion - that it reveals the truth of where things stand, rather than painting a picture which isn't necessarily accurate.

the summary of what's been happening this past week.

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i think i can finally use the birthday present (or was it Christmas) that Ben got me a few years ago. He bought me a moleskine notebook along with a Chinese cookbook, asking me to journal all the dishes and meals he'd make for me. so far, i haven't had any journal entries, though i think i should include the ones he made in tofino and other random odd times.

what sparked this sudden usage of the gift?

he was persistent in making dinner at home tonight rather than going out on the whim. and so we had some good home cookin'. :)

ah, things to be thankful for. must continue to remind myself of the blessings especially in tough and challenging times.



oh, beautiful british columbia... how i miss thee.

the mountains.
the ocean.
the kayaking.
the hiking.
the random japanese food trucks parked by the bus station in richmond.
the gelato shoppes.
the friends and fam.
the tea and coffee cafes.
the other food places.
the trees.

wish i was there right now. wish i could rewind to two weeks back, as ben and i were enroute to tofino.
