musings and reflections of hollyholz
Blog # ?
During the past 24 hours, I don't know HOW many times I've blogged... but certainly too many times. Work, as always, is mundane, and I need something else to do besides pressing Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V :P (I'm working on a template... bleh... no fun) Right now, I'm just blogging right beside my fun co-worker (I only have two.... the other one you've already read about in my previous blogs)
I want to redecorate my room - dad and I were planning to do so during the Christmas break, but I guess we never got to it. I don't know -- my room has stayed the same from the first day we moved in nine years ago, soon to be ten. The furniture has remained at the same position for this whole time. My walls are also very plain. However, I lack taste.... let it be in design or fashion... anyone interested in helping me out? :)
I just realized I have no plans this weekend - I realized that when I was writing emails to both Elaine and Carol Gaaaaah. I think I would like to go see a movie. Anyone interested? PRIS (or anyone else) - wanna go see "About a Boy"?
Back to work for a while... Yay, getting off earlier than usual today!
During the past 24 hours, I don't know HOW many times I've blogged... but certainly too many times. Work, as always, is mundane, and I need something else to do besides pressing Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V :P (I'm working on a template... bleh... no fun) Right now, I'm just blogging right beside my fun co-worker (I only have two.... the other one you've already read about in my previous blogs)
I want to redecorate my room - dad and I were planning to do so during the Christmas break, but I guess we never got to it. I don't know -- my room has stayed the same from the first day we moved in nine years ago, soon to be ten. The furniture has remained at the same position for this whole time. My walls are also very plain. However, I lack taste.... let it be in design or fashion... anyone interested in helping me out? :)
I just realized I have no plans this weekend - I realized that when I was writing emails to both Elaine and Carol Gaaaaah. I think I would like to go see a movie. Anyone interested? PRIS (or anyone else) - wanna go see "About a Boy"?
Back to work for a while... Yay, getting off earlier than usual today!
I was late for work - was supposed to wake up around 7:15 to get to work at around 8:15.
Guess what? I woke up at 8:15! Gaaaaah.
Well, I managed to get to work earlier than usual, at least. That was my goal.
It's casual friday - yet, I'm wearing business casual... Gaaah. Not my day today.
I was late for work - was supposed to wake up around 7:15 to get to work at around 8:15.
Guess what? I woke up at 8:15! Gaaaaah.
Well, I managed to get to work earlier than usual, at least. That was my goal.
It's casual friday - yet, I'm wearing business casual... Gaaah. Not my day today.
Finally Home...
It's been one long day, and I finally got home. The meeting was longer than I expected, and I got home around 11:30. Not fun.
My adventure after work was tiring, but interesting. Kinda nice to step out of the regular routine and just do some walking and stuff. Normally, I tutor on Thursdays, but I cancelled originally 'cause I had an exam to write on Monday and I had to study. Of course, I dropped the course, but decided I wanted to take this week off from tutoring. Coincidentally, the Golden Key Sponsorship Meeting was tonight, and I decided to make good use of my $80 lifetime membership and see what GK is all about. (By the way, Golden Key is some sort of an invitational society honouring the top 25% of the students in each area of study... and surprisingly, I was invited to join... if my first year GPA was replaced with THIS year's GPA, I don't think I would've been invited to join... haha.) Anyway, the meeting itself wasn't that interesting... at least not interesting enough for me to blog about it.... so I'll spare you the details.
I wanted to go to Mountain Equipment Co-op prior to meeting Ian at Le Biftheque, but I got off work later than expected ('cause the boring dude that I work with wanted me to tell him where I was with my work.... :P - with is italized for a reason hehe... let's just say office politics? ask me - I'll tell... but I can't blog it at work! hahaha... and I'm too tired to blog the whole story NOW.). Instead, I stopped by Eaton Centre to check if Indigo had those funky postcards... but alas, they didn't. I was sad and tired while walking in the underground path to go to the Sheraton Centre. All the sudden, I saw someone from church, so we chatted.... until I realized I was running late. Before I left the Bay portion of the PATH, I saw this little store - CADBURY.... YUM.... besides the toblerone bar that the Bay sells for $100, I've never seen such a BIG piece of chocolate. Suddenly, I got my chocolate cravings, and bought some chocolate - I have yet to eat it.... :) I'll save it for work.
Dinner was okay.... too filling, like usual. Ian and I shared an appetizer, the Wild Rose Onion Ring... basically, it's a fried onion with some nice dipping sauce. The one we tried a year ago at the Outback was much better :) Nonetheless, I had a New York Sirloin Steak (which I ended up giving half to Ian...), and he had his Lobster Feast... His lobster was tres yummy, and my steak was juicy. Nice place - and not too pricey.
Took a walk to Richmond and John to go to Chapters... just to walk off all the meat and lobster we had. I FOUND MY LOVELY POSTCARDS THERE! :) yay! Plus, I found this Keith Haring book for $6... hardcover, but quite small. I really should scan in some pictures for all to see... but anyhoo, I was happy, and that was the end of my night... (no, wait... then i went to the GK meeting... I'm getting tired)
Some of you know I have this wacky and crazy memory - I tend to recognize faces very easily. Anyway, while I was walking around at Eaton Centre, I saw some familiar faces, but couldn't put names to them. Normally, I would try very hard to remember where I've seen or met that particular person. Today - I was sooo tired; my attitude was, if they didn't make a big impact (positive or negative) in my life, then they're not worth remembering for now... Man, I think I really need sleep, 'cause that's not the typical me.
Man, PwC tour (PricewaterhouseCoopers) tomorrow with the ASUT. :P I don't know what to say or do. I think I should've done some research on the company... GAAAAAH. Oh well, maybe tomorrow at work :) I gotta get to work an hour earlier than usual 'cause of the tour, so I've gotta sleep. :) No more for now....
It's been one long day, and I finally got home. The meeting was longer than I expected, and I got home around 11:30. Not fun.
My adventure after work was tiring, but interesting. Kinda nice to step out of the regular routine and just do some walking and stuff. Normally, I tutor on Thursdays, but I cancelled originally 'cause I had an exam to write on Monday and I had to study. Of course, I dropped the course, but decided I wanted to take this week off from tutoring. Coincidentally, the Golden Key Sponsorship Meeting was tonight, and I decided to make good use of my $80 lifetime membership and see what GK is all about. (By the way, Golden Key is some sort of an invitational society honouring the top 25% of the students in each area of study... and surprisingly, I was invited to join... if my first year GPA was replaced with THIS year's GPA, I don't think I would've been invited to join... haha.) Anyway, the meeting itself wasn't that interesting... at least not interesting enough for me to blog about it.... so I'll spare you the details.
I wanted to go to Mountain Equipment Co-op prior to meeting Ian at Le Biftheque, but I got off work later than expected ('cause the boring dude that I work with wanted me to tell him where I was with my work.... :P - with is italized for a reason hehe... let's just say office politics? ask me - I'll tell... but I can't blog it at work! hahaha... and I'm too tired to blog the whole story NOW.). Instead, I stopped by Eaton Centre to check if Indigo had those funky postcards... but alas, they didn't. I was sad and tired while walking in the underground path to go to the Sheraton Centre. All the sudden, I saw someone from church, so we chatted.... until I realized I was running late. Before I left the Bay portion of the PATH, I saw this little store - CADBURY.... YUM.... besides the toblerone bar that the Bay sells for $100, I've never seen such a BIG piece of chocolate. Suddenly, I got my chocolate cravings, and bought some chocolate - I have yet to eat it.... :) I'll save it for work.
Dinner was okay.... too filling, like usual. Ian and I shared an appetizer, the Wild Rose Onion Ring... basically, it's a fried onion with some nice dipping sauce. The one we tried a year ago at the Outback was much better :) Nonetheless, I had a New York Sirloin Steak (which I ended up giving half to Ian...), and he had his Lobster Feast... His lobster was tres yummy, and my steak was juicy. Nice place - and not too pricey.
Took a walk to Richmond and John to go to Chapters... just to walk off all the meat and lobster we had. I FOUND MY LOVELY POSTCARDS THERE! :) yay! Plus, I found this Keith Haring book for $6... hardcover, but quite small. I really should scan in some pictures for all to see... but anyhoo, I was happy, and that was the end of my night... (no, wait... then i went to the GK meeting... I'm getting tired)
Some of you know I have this wacky and crazy memory - I tend to recognize faces very easily. Anyway, while I was walking around at Eaton Centre, I saw some familiar faces, but couldn't put names to them. Normally, I would try very hard to remember where I've seen or met that particular person. Today - I was sooo tired; my attitude was, if they didn't make a big impact (positive or negative) in my life, then they're not worth remembering for now... Man, I think I really need sleep, 'cause that's not the typical me.
Man, PwC tour (PricewaterhouseCoopers) tomorrow with the ASUT. :P I don't know what to say or do. I think I should've done some research on the company... GAAAAAH. Oh well, maybe tomorrow at work :) I gotta get to work an hour earlier than usual 'cause of the tour, so I've gotta sleep. :) No more for now....
At Least Someone's Reading my Blogs...
I'm glad to know people read my blog; I got a forward at work from Elaine as soon as she finished reading my blog. Yay. :)
Today's been a terribly boring day. I have work to do, but it's so repetitive that I was about to fall asleep. Thank goodness for the Tim Hortons right beneath my building (right in Finch Station) - I got an extra large tea to save me from napping :) Nonetheless, I'm still not finished but I am TERRIBLY bored out of my mind. Too bad my email peeps are all busy with their work. Give me a shout if you feel like emailing me at work. I'll gladly give you my email so we can communicate.
What's up on Holly's agenda tonight? A meeting to go to... and dinner at le biftheque :) Can't wait. Now, if only 4:35 can quickly pass by, I'll be happy as a clam. I hope to visit Mountain Equipment Co-op (haven't been there in ages), plus Chapters, to see if they have any of those funky postcards. Still deciding where to go first.
I shall quickly finish my task before logging off.
Good day.
I'm glad to know people read my blog; I got a forward at work from Elaine as soon as she finished reading my blog. Yay. :)
Today's been a terribly boring day. I have work to do, but it's so repetitive that I was about to fall asleep. Thank goodness for the Tim Hortons right beneath my building (right in Finch Station) - I got an extra large tea to save me from napping :) Nonetheless, I'm still not finished but I am TERRIBLY bored out of my mind. Too bad my email peeps are all busy with their work. Give me a shout if you feel like emailing me at work. I'll gladly give you my email so we can communicate.
What's up on Holly's agenda tonight? A meeting to go to... and dinner at le biftheque :) Can't wait. Now, if only 4:35 can quickly pass by, I'll be happy as a clam. I hope to visit Mountain Equipment Co-op (haven't been there in ages), plus Chapters, to see if they have any of those funky postcards. Still deciding where to go first.
I shall quickly finish my task before logging off.
Good day.
Another Dose of Random Thoughts...
The whole department is gone for some seminar thingy downstairs, so there's only a few of us left here. Pretty quiet and slow today. It's been like that for the past two days.
I noticed recently how many forwards my co-workers receive in a day. I get them too sometimes. I find that most of those annoying forwards are circulated around the workplace, then people start sending them to friends and family outside of work. This annoying chain of forwards... GAAAH. My theory is, people at work get REALLY bored, thus, they would want to read anything that's not work related. To waste more time, they would send the useless forward to everyone they know, let it be the guy who sits next to him/her, or his relative across the globe. That's my theory. :)
Innocence. I find it sad that innocence is slowly disappearing on this earth. Kids are no longer as innocent as they were meant to be. Bullying at elementary schools is becoming such a big issue, that kids would be willing to commit suicide and stuff. Gosh, when I was in elementary school, I didn't even know what suicide meant. As I was randomly going thru people's webpages on AsianAvenue the other night, I couldn't believe kids in gr. 9 had so many "issues"... (of course, it could simply be a front people put on, listing many issues that makes them oh-so mature and older...) I mean, I may have been an exception in gr. 9 since I was the official loser of my year in Junior High, but I don't recall having so many guy problems, or even problems between friends. My fellow gr. 9 peers did swear, but not excessively though.... gaaah; this one girl's webpage I visited had the f-word every between every two-three words... where has innocence gone? This saddens me.
Anyway, no more random thoughts - I have to finish something today.... so I should get 'jiggy wit it' ;) (ahh... the Will Smith days... hahaha...)
The whole department is gone for some seminar thingy downstairs, so there's only a few of us left here. Pretty quiet and slow today. It's been like that for the past two days.
I noticed recently how many forwards my co-workers receive in a day. I get them too sometimes. I find that most of those annoying forwards are circulated around the workplace, then people start sending them to friends and family outside of work. This annoying chain of forwards... GAAAH. My theory is, people at work get REALLY bored, thus, they would want to read anything that's not work related. To waste more time, they would send the useless forward to everyone they know, let it be the guy who sits next to him/her, or his relative across the globe. That's my theory. :)
Innocence. I find it sad that innocence is slowly disappearing on this earth. Kids are no longer as innocent as they were meant to be. Bullying at elementary schools is becoming such a big issue, that kids would be willing to commit suicide and stuff. Gosh, when I was in elementary school, I didn't even know what suicide meant. As I was randomly going thru people's webpages on AsianAvenue the other night, I couldn't believe kids in gr. 9 had so many "issues"... (of course, it could simply be a front people put on, listing many issues that makes them oh-so mature and older...) I mean, I may have been an exception in gr. 9 since I was the official loser of my year in Junior High, but I don't recall having so many guy problems, or even problems between friends. My fellow gr. 9 peers did swear, but not excessively though.... gaaah; this one girl's webpage I visited had the f-word every between every two-three words... where has innocence gone? This saddens me.
Anyway, no more random thoughts - I have to finish something today.... so I should get 'jiggy wit it' ;) (ahh... the Will Smith days... hahaha...)
It's 2:00 a.m.
Do you know where YOUR children are?
(Okay, I know most of the time, they'll say "it's 10 p.m., do you know where your children are?")
I don't know why the heck I'm still up. I'm working tomorrow morning, and I'm still blogging. Crazy. I guess I'm running on my chillatte and my adrenaline... went out for Second Cup with my high school friend Jess, whom I haven't seen in ages. Then exercised for a good hour... and decided to ease my mom's load by making my dad's and my own lunch. This was about 1a.m. I decided to be nice and wash the dishes afterwards and throw out the trash. By the time I was done, it was already five to two.
Man, I'm gonna be so dead beat tomorrow. At least my boss won't be around :) Yay!
Do you know where YOUR children are?
(Okay, I know most of the time, they'll say "it's 10 p.m., do you know where your children are?")
I don't know why the heck I'm still up. I'm working tomorrow morning, and I'm still blogging. Crazy. I guess I'm running on my chillatte and my adrenaline... went out for Second Cup with my high school friend Jess, whom I haven't seen in ages. Then exercised for a good hour... and decided to ease my mom's load by making my dad's and my own lunch. This was about 1a.m. I decided to be nice and wash the dishes afterwards and throw out the trash. By the time I was done, it was already five to two.
Man, I'm gonna be so dead beat tomorrow. At least my boss won't be around :) Yay!
It's only the second day of my summer vacation, and I'm starting to feel bored already. That's not very good. I remember when I met up with my friend Ventura last summer, she asked me a thought-provoking question. It was a simple question... She simply asked what my goals and plans for the summer were. I never had any plans for the summer, except to simply go to work everyday and go out at night to meet up with friends. Now that my sudden and surprise start of the summer has begun, I have no plans or goals. As I'm at work, I began to think of things I want to accomplish... and believe me, there are lots... I guess I inherited this restlessness personality from my mom. I can't stand doing nothing productive for more than a week. Ever since I was a kid, my mom has forced me to take summer school, theory lessons *shiver*, summer camps... until the summer of 2000, I never had a camp-school-music free summer. So here are my plans for the summer of 2002:
Learn how to Cook
It's a shame... I don't know how to cook. If instant noodles and Campbell's canned soup was non-existent, I wonder if I could survive living on my own. Besides, I DO enjoy food... and I do hope to be able to cook more than instant ramen noodles.
Clean up my Webpage and Start the Japanese Restaurant Page
Eversince Geocities changed their policy, I have stopped updating my regular homepage. I do want to change the image and layout of my webpage, so I'm planning on doing something with my page soon.
Start Exercising Again...
I kinda broke my promise to Tina when I stopped exercising when study week in April rolled along. I bought an exercise ball and new Adidas runners when I started to work out back in February/March, but haven't made much good use of them... must start exercising again...
Spending more Quiet Time with God
I've often forget to do so, especially in times of trial, and I've been a big lazy bum.
and the list continues.... (later... hehe)
It's only the second day of my summer vacation, and I'm starting to feel bored already. That's not very good. I remember when I met up with my friend Ventura last summer, she asked me a thought-provoking question. It was a simple question... She simply asked what my goals and plans for the summer were. I never had any plans for the summer, except to simply go to work everyday and go out at night to meet up with friends. Now that my sudden and surprise start of the summer has begun, I have no plans or goals. As I'm at work, I began to think of things I want to accomplish... and believe me, there are lots... I guess I inherited this restlessness personality from my mom. I can't stand doing nothing productive for more than a week. Ever since I was a kid, my mom has forced me to take summer school, theory lessons *shiver*, summer camps... until the summer of 2000, I never had a camp-school-music free summer. So here are my plans for the summer of 2002:
Learn how to Cook
It's a shame... I don't know how to cook. If instant noodles and Campbell's canned soup was non-existent, I wonder if I could survive living on my own. Besides, I DO enjoy food... and I do hope to be able to cook more than instant ramen noodles.
Clean up my Webpage and Start the Japanese Restaurant Page
Eversince Geocities changed their policy, I have stopped updating my regular homepage. I do want to change the image and layout of my webpage, so I'm planning on doing something with my page soon.
Start Exercising Again...
I kinda broke my promise to Tina when I stopped exercising when study week in April rolled along. I bought an exercise ball and new Adidas runners when I started to work out back in February/March, but haven't made much good use of them... must start exercising again...
Spending more Quiet Time with God
I've often forget to do so, especially in times of trial, and I've been a big lazy bum.
and the list continues.... (later... hehe)
If you have been following my blogs, you must've seen Lyds' name pop up a lot. We met in the wierdest of all ways - I believe I blogged about this somewhere, probably in the March archive. Anyway, Lyds and I share many common interests as well as personalities. I'm now trying to think how many things we have in common... while I'm trying to avoid doing my work at work.... 'cause today's just a very slow day. Here they are (Lyds, see if you agree or if I'm missing anything...! I'm also updating this frequently, as soon as we realize we have a common thingy):
- we ARE procrastination soulmates... (how can i forget?)
- we dislike shopping - at least, we're not your typical female shoppers...
- enjoy reading/gathering quotes
- collect postcards
- all time fav. movie - the sound of music...
- our egoism level is relatively the same (she scored 36% and i scored 37% on this certain egoism test)
- both of us know many mutual friends, like Holly, Jon
- both have superb skills in "stalking" ;)
- enjoy fine japanese dining
- both sign our own guestbooks whenever necessary (wanna join our club? we have a total of four members now... membership is free!)
There must be more similarities... but I gotta get back to work. :) I'll be blogging in a short bit though. :)
If you have been following my blogs, you must've seen Lyds' name pop up a lot. We met in the wierdest of all ways - I believe I blogged about this somewhere, probably in the March archive. Anyway, Lyds and I share many common interests as well as personalities. I'm now trying to think how many things we have in common... while I'm trying to avoid doing my work at work.... 'cause today's just a very slow day. Here they are (Lyds, see if you agree or if I'm missing anything...! I'm also updating this frequently, as soon as we realize we have a common thingy):
- we ARE procrastination soulmates... (how can i forget?)
- we dislike shopping - at least, we're not your typical female shoppers...
- enjoy reading/gathering quotes
- collect postcards
- all time fav. movie - the sound of music...
- our egoism level is relatively the same (she scored 36% and i scored 37% on this certain egoism test)
- both of us know many mutual friends, like Holly, Jon
- both have superb skills in "stalking" ;)
- enjoy fine japanese dining
- both sign our own guestbooks whenever necessary (wanna join our club? we have a total of four members now... membership is free!)
There must be more similarities... but I gotta get back to work. :) I'll be blogging in a short bit though. :)
Net Freak
I've been on the net a lot today... gaaah my work is so mundane, it's not even funny.
Yay for a new blog! :) Elaine got her own blog... she has lots of interesting thoughts, far more interesting than mines, for sure.
Yay for the start of my emailing again! I've been emailing Elaine, Carol, and others during my spare time at work... and it's fun. I guess in a way, it beats ICQ 'cause there's so much more to read... but then, patience is another factor. But yay! I have things to read!
I must get back to work though... :P
--> I just realized now that my summer has finally begun. Yay!
My word of the day? Yay! - MUST include the exclamation mark!
I've been on the net a lot today... gaaah my work is so mundane, it's not even funny.
Yay for a new blog! :) Elaine got her own blog... she has lots of interesting thoughts, far more interesting than mines, for sure.
Yay for the start of my emailing again! I've been emailing Elaine, Carol, and others during my spare time at work... and it's fun. I guess in a way, it beats ICQ 'cause there's so much more to read... but then, patience is another factor. But yay! I have things to read!
I must get back to work though... :P
--> I just realized now that my summer has finally begun. Yay!
My word of the day? Yay! - MUST include the exclamation mark!
Don't talk to me..
... I'm in a very bad mood at this time. In fact, I rarely leave my ICQ off when I'm on the computer, but I really don't feel like talking to anyone at this moment. At the same time, I want to vent :P Ah wells, I'm in a very bad mood and if I were you, I'd stay away from me for tonight, at least.
I dropped summer school. I was hoping to get through the course, but as I was studying tonight, I realized how much material there is to know but so little time - especially with the crammed schedule I've got. Right now, I'm getting over dropping summer school, but not so much as to what my mom said to me. She said something that really hurt me, but I'm not going to share it here. In fact, it really irks me the way she said it - I never really knew my mom thought of me in such a way.
Anyhow, I'll keep up with the blogs, but as for now, I'm a grouch.
Oh, I need a hug :(
... I'm in a very bad mood at this time. In fact, I rarely leave my ICQ off when I'm on the computer, but I really don't feel like talking to anyone at this moment. At the same time, I want to vent :P Ah wells, I'm in a very bad mood and if I were you, I'd stay away from me for tonight, at least.
I dropped summer school. I was hoping to get through the course, but as I was studying tonight, I realized how much material there is to know but so little time - especially with the crammed schedule I've got. Right now, I'm getting over dropping summer school, but not so much as to what my mom said to me. She said something that really hurt me, but I'm not going to share it here. In fact, it really irks me the way she said it - I never really knew my mom thought of me in such a way.
Anyhow, I'll keep up with the blogs, but as for now, I'm a grouch.
Oh, I need a hug :(
Sleep... all that I want at this moment. I have been feeling very fatigue for the past few days, no matter how much sleep I get. This weekend has been very busy for me, especially yesterday. At least the Leafs won the game on Saturday night, and I'm still functioning somewhat. This morning, I felt like I was having a hangover or something, albeit I didn't have any alcohol last night. I rarely drink. Anyway, I'm just wondering what's wrong with me these days.
I went to see Cathy's (my big sis) show on Saturday night. She's part of this opera company, and they had a show, "Some Enchanted Evening", which was based on the different works of Rogers and Hammerstein (they wrote the music for "The Sound of Music", my all time fav). It was good, and I really liked the whole idea of combining all the well-recognized works of the two; the show introduced to me so many more musicals I have yet to see.
Yesterday was supposed to be my studying day. I got a little done though - met up with my friend Sabrina to study down at Robarts. On my way there, I stopped by Chapters to get something for my aunt in Tokyo - and on my way to the cashier, I saw this rack of postcards and I fell in love :) I used to collect postcards from all over the world - then I started to collect funky postcards too. There were lots of interesting, black and white postcards, but it was the William Wegman and the Keith Haring postcards that caught my eye. Maybe I'll scan one or two to post... Sab and I went out for a sushi buffet after our studying AND tutor session. Shintori isn't as good as it was before. :P I must admit I was a little disappointed, but nonetheless, satisfied. I leanred something cool too - try green tea ice cream with chocolate :) make sure you don't have TOO much chocolate ice cream though. Don't mix the ice cream flavours - just scoop a bit of both and try it. I found it to be very good :)
I'm so dead for summer school - exam in a week and barely anything is in my head :P all that I want at this moment. I have been feeling very fatigue for the past few days, no matter how much sleep I get. This weekend has been very busy for me, especially yesterday. At least the Leafs won the game on Saturday night, and I'm still functioning somewhat. This morning, I felt like I was having a hangover or something, albeit I didn't have any alcohol last night. I rarely drink. Anyway, I'm just wondering what's wrong with me these days.
I went to see Cathy's (my big sis) show on Saturday night. She's part of this opera company, and they had a show, "Some Enchanted Evening", which was based on the different works of Rogers and Hammerstein (they wrote the music for "The Sound of Music", my all time fav). It was good, and I really liked the whole idea of combining all the well-recognized works of the two; the show introduced to me so many more musicals I have yet to see.
Yesterday was supposed to be my studying day. I got a little done though - met up with my friend Sabrina to study down at Robarts. On my way there, I stopped by Chapters to get something for my aunt in Tokyo - and on my way to the cashier, I saw this rack of postcards and I fell in love :) I used to collect postcards from all over the world - then I started to collect funky postcards too. There were lots of interesting, black and white postcards, but it was the William Wegman and the Keith Haring postcards that caught my eye. Maybe I'll scan one or two to post... Sab and I went out for a sushi buffet after our studying AND tutor session. Shintori isn't as good as it was before. :P I must admit I was a little disappointed, but nonetheless, satisfied. I leanred something cool too - try green tea ice cream with chocolate :) make sure you don't have TOO much chocolate ice cream though. Don't mix the ice cream flavours - just scoop a bit of both and try it. I found it to be very good :)
I'm so dead for summer school - exam in a week and barely anything is in my head :P
Random and Useless Thoughts...
When I'm at work, I think of almost anything. Honestly, staring at the monitor while you have Excel opened all day is not fun. I'm about to fall asleep any moment - out of boredom, dizziness, and lack of sleep.
Recently, there's been a severe lack of blog updates. Matt Mark is the only person I know of that has updated recently - yay! But then, I haven't been updating frequently either. I guess there's just so much to do during the summer, that there's not much time to update. Either that, or work has been totally exhausting and I have absolutely no energy to blog.
Law and Order on Wednesday night was really good - not really too deep or thought provoking, but it did make me think for a second. I rarely watch TV - I never catch up on every single episode of ER, West Wing, etc. My original intent to watch Law and Order was to see one of friend's daughter play an extra on the show - I was planning to stop watching after her part of the show was over. However the case was really interesting and I decided to watch the entire show. They were dealing with a very touchy topic - terrorism. However, the lawyer dudes (I don't know their names) in the show had a very non-typical American view on the topic. I just found that unlike similar Chinese TV shows (like the one that's playing on channel 36 right now), Law and Order has much more depth and meaning. I think I'll start catching up with Law and Order. Hee hee :).
Man, the Leafs lost again. One more lost and we're gonna be out. That doesn't dampen my Leafs spirit, albeit I am terribly heartbroken by their losses, especially the OT losses. As most of you may know, I do have my Leafs flag up at work. For most of the week, people were going "Go Leafs Go!" when they saw my flag. Today - people were saying "I wouldn't put that up if I were you - they suck!" That annoys me... so many bandwagon people... Booooo.
The guy sitting next to me always turn on the radio at work - lucky him, 'cause he's got a sound card. However, he enjoys listening to rap and raggae - if this keeps up, by the end of the summer, I'll know all the songs they play on Flow93.5 and all the other ghetto music. Ya Man.
I'm out for now. :P
When I'm at work, I think of almost anything. Honestly, staring at the monitor while you have Excel opened all day is not fun. I'm about to fall asleep any moment - out of boredom, dizziness, and lack of sleep.
Recently, there's been a severe lack of blog updates. Matt Mark is the only person I know of that has updated recently - yay! But then, I haven't been updating frequently either. I guess there's just so much to do during the summer, that there's not much time to update. Either that, or work has been totally exhausting and I have absolutely no energy to blog.
Law and Order on Wednesday night was really good - not really too deep or thought provoking, but it did make me think for a second. I rarely watch TV - I never catch up on every single episode of ER, West Wing, etc. My original intent to watch Law and Order was to see one of friend's daughter play an extra on the show - I was planning to stop watching after her part of the show was over. However the case was really interesting and I decided to watch the entire show. They were dealing with a very touchy topic - terrorism. However, the lawyer dudes (I don't know their names) in the show had a very non-typical American view on the topic. I just found that unlike similar Chinese TV shows (like the one that's playing on channel 36 right now), Law and Order has much more depth and meaning. I think I'll start catching up with Law and Order. Hee hee :).
Man, the Leafs lost again. One more lost and we're gonna be out. That doesn't dampen my Leafs spirit, albeit I am terribly heartbroken by their losses, especially the OT losses. As most of you may know, I do have my Leafs flag up at work. For most of the week, people were going "Go Leafs Go!" when they saw my flag. Today - people were saying "I wouldn't put that up if I were you - they suck!" That annoys me... so many bandwagon people... Booooo.
The guy sitting next to me always turn on the radio at work - lucky him, 'cause he's got a sound card. However, he enjoys listening to rap and raggae - if this keeps up, by the end of the summer, I'll know all the songs they play on Flow93.5 and all the other ghetto music. Ya Man.
I'm out for now. :P
Need I say more?
Leafs lose in overtime. Again.
Unlike last time, this game wasn't pretty.
Nonetheless, GO LEAFS GO. Kick some Canes' Ass on Thursday night.
Need I say more?
Leafs lose in overtime. Again.
Unlike last time, this game wasn't pretty.
Nonetheless, GO LEAFS GO. Kick some Canes' Ass on Thursday night.
Pig Out!
Yep, I've been pigging out at work all day today. If this keeps up, I'm pretty sure in due time I'll be gaining some weight. I've had some Chinese tea, a beef pattie, a few timbits, a coffee, and some herbal tea. My colleague tells me I'm probably pigging out 'cause I'm bored. Come to think of it, I think she's right. I've been relinking spreadsheets all day, and it's not fun staring at the screen for a LONG time, especially when you're dealing with Excel. :P
My work environment here is pretty diverse - it's very multicultural. When the Chinese guy who works nearby me teaches people Cantonese, I get a kick out of it. I know two Philipino guys, and I get them to teach me Philipino. So far, I can only say "good morning" in Philipino. However, the Philipino guys know how to say A LOT of Cantonese words... like "good morning", "chow mien", "how are you?", and "friend." I remember back in elementary school, people would always say "nei ho ma?" to me, thinking that it was a swear word. Haha.
It's around 4pm right now and it's dead quiet in my area - I think I'll turn on the computer next to me and find a radio station on the web 'cause my own computer doesn't have a sound card! Gaaaah.... no CDs, no nothing. I can't stand silence...
Only 20 more minutes to go. Yay...
Yep, I've been pigging out at work all day today. If this keeps up, I'm pretty sure in due time I'll be gaining some weight. I've had some Chinese tea, a beef pattie, a few timbits, a coffee, and some herbal tea. My colleague tells me I'm probably pigging out 'cause I'm bored. Come to think of it, I think she's right. I've been relinking spreadsheets all day, and it's not fun staring at the screen for a LONG time, especially when you're dealing with Excel. :P
My work environment here is pretty diverse - it's very multicultural. When the Chinese guy who works nearby me teaches people Cantonese, I get a kick out of it. I know two Philipino guys, and I get them to teach me Philipino. So far, I can only say "good morning" in Philipino. However, the Philipino guys know how to say A LOT of Cantonese words... like "good morning", "chow mien", "how are you?", and "friend." I remember back in elementary school, people would always say "nei ho ma?" to me, thinking that it was a swear word. Haha.
It's around 4pm right now and it's dead quiet in my area - I think I'll turn on the computer next to me and find a radio station on the web 'cause my own computer doesn't have a sound card! Gaaaah.... no CDs, no nothing. I can't stand silence...
Only 20 more minutes to go. Yay...
Lately, my family and I have realized how many people from church are getting married. One of our family friend's daughter is getting married this year, and they brought it up tonight during a get together BBQ. While we were going home tonight, my mom started to ramble on and on about the weddings that are taking place this year, and noticed how many of the couples' parents are not really involved in the planning of the wedding. Then she asked for my opinion, whether I think it's a good idea to exclude parents from planning the wedding. I said it would be, if the parent gave a lot of opinions and what not. BOTH my parents started to argue my point, saying how parents should be involved in such an happy and festive occassion. Man, if and when I get married, I'm getting the feeling it's not gonna be a easy process... esp. with my opinionated mother. GAAAAAAH. Even if I don't want them involved, they'll make sure they'll be involved. *sigh*
Right now, though, it's too early to think about my future. I'd rather just sit back and relax. Besides, I have enough things to worry about, as I'm dead with my summer school course... haha. Week one of summer school is over - five more to go. Yay!
I was watching Saturday Night Live the other night, and there was this one scene where Winona Ryder is getting married - these two guys who claim to be her "uncles" presents a little speech and sings a song for her. I don't know what the song is, but the song is stuck in my head. GAAAH. It goes something like this: "Tonight, I'll celebrate my love, for you..." (Okay, I forgot how it goes). It's an oldie. In fact, I realized last night while eating out with family friend how much I enjoy oldies and stuff. We were just singing tunes of ANYTHING in the car last night, and we ended up singing some old stuff. I like to imitate the BeeGees. I felt sorry for the family friend though... he had to suffer through my close imitation of the BeeGees.
In other news, I watched the final episode of Ally McBeal tonight. I do enjoy the show, but not enough to watch it every Monday... so you could call me a bandwagon person or something like that. Nonetheless, the show was pretty sad, but had some funny parts. I still don't understand why the ratings dropped though. I think all in all, it's a good show. I also don't understand why they're replacing Ally with another show that's written and produced by the same guy, and is also about female lawyers. I'd rather stick with Ally.
For a change, I'm gonna go to bed early. Maybe I won't be crying out for coffee at work tomorrow....
Lately, my family and I have realized how many people from church are getting married. One of our family friend's daughter is getting married this year, and they brought it up tonight during a get together BBQ. While we were going home tonight, my mom started to ramble on and on about the weddings that are taking place this year, and noticed how many of the couples' parents are not really involved in the planning of the wedding. Then she asked for my opinion, whether I think it's a good idea to exclude parents from planning the wedding. I said it would be, if the parent gave a lot of opinions and what not. BOTH my parents started to argue my point, saying how parents should be involved in such an happy and festive occassion. Man, if and when I get married, I'm getting the feeling it's not gonna be a easy process... esp. with my opinionated mother. GAAAAAAH. Even if I don't want them involved, they'll make sure they'll be involved. *sigh*
Right now, though, it's too early to think about my future. I'd rather just sit back and relax. Besides, I have enough things to worry about, as I'm dead with my summer school course... haha. Week one of summer school is over - five more to go. Yay!
I was watching Saturday Night Live the other night, and there was this one scene where Winona Ryder is getting married - these two guys who claim to be her "uncles" presents a little speech and sings a song for her. I don't know what the song is, but the song is stuck in my head. GAAAH. It goes something like this: "Tonight, I'll celebrate my love, for you..." (Okay, I forgot how it goes). It's an oldie. In fact, I realized last night while eating out with family friend how much I enjoy oldies and stuff. We were just singing tunes of ANYTHING in the car last night, and we ended up singing some old stuff. I like to imitate the BeeGees. I felt sorry for the family friend though... he had to suffer through my close imitation of the BeeGees.
In other news, I watched the final episode of Ally McBeal tonight. I do enjoy the show, but not enough to watch it every Monday... so you could call me a bandwagon person or something like that. Nonetheless, the show was pretty sad, but had some funny parts. I still don't understand why the ratings dropped though. I think all in all, it's a good show. I also don't understand why they're replacing Ally with another show that's written and produced by the same guy, and is also about female lawyers. I'd rather stick with Ally.
For a change, I'm gonna go to bed early. Maybe I won't be crying out for coffee at work tomorrow....
Idea of the Day
Go through all your old emails, letters, notes, etc.
Trust me, it's worth it. I was checking my Yahoo! account just to clear out all the junk mail I receive there. Long ago, before I had my utoronto account, I used my Yahoo! account as my primary email account, so I had a LOT of old emails from friends, some in which I don't see often anymore. I didn't save every single personal email that I have received, but managed to salvage all the memorable ones. I remember going on short vacations, but would often send out emails just to keep in touch while I was away in another country, let it be Russia or just the good old USA. I saved all of the emails I received during my trips, and they are quite fun to read - I would be updating friends what I was up to during my vacation, and they would update me about things going on in Toronto, especially the hockey games while I was gone during Christmas and the playoff seasons. Reading the old emails also made me realise how much I've changed during the past few years, and how much others have changed. Although not every single email brought great and wonderful memories, the majority made me smile while reminiscing the old times.
Besides going through my old emails, I watched the second game of the Leafs/Hurricanes series. It was a really really good game, albeit the Leafs lost in OT. I had a feeling that the Leafs would make a comeback in the last minute of the 3rd period, and they did! Game 3 on Tuesday at the Hangar (ACC). GO LEAFS GO.
Enough for now - must... get... rest....
Go through all your old emails, letters, notes, etc.
Trust me, it's worth it. I was checking my Yahoo! account just to clear out all the junk mail I receive there. Long ago, before I had my utoronto account, I used my Yahoo! account as my primary email account, so I had a LOT of old emails from friends, some in which I don't see often anymore. I didn't save every single personal email that I have received, but managed to salvage all the memorable ones. I remember going on short vacations, but would often send out emails just to keep in touch while I was away in another country, let it be Russia or just the good old USA. I saved all of the emails I received during my trips, and they are quite fun to read - I would be updating friends what I was up to during my vacation, and they would update me about things going on in Toronto, especially the hockey games while I was gone during Christmas and the playoff seasons. Reading the old emails also made me realise how much I've changed during the past few years, and how much others have changed. Although not every single email brought great and wonderful memories, the majority made me smile while reminiscing the old times.
Besides going through my old emails, I watched the second game of the Leafs/Hurricanes series. It was a really really good game, albeit the Leafs lost in OT. I had a feeling that the Leafs would make a comeback in the last minute of the 3rd period, and they did! Game 3 on Tuesday at the Hangar (ACC). GO LEAFS GO.
Enough for now - must... get... rest....
Hello, My Name is...
... Holz. Holz H. I do not know many people with the name "Holz", but I do personally know one person with the same name as I. Her name? Holz. (d'uh...) Holz Mo. Holz Ho, Holz Mo. We have many mutual acquaintances. Believe me, it's a small world out there. We first met at a joint fellowship thingy with her church and my church. Throughout the past few years, I've met a couple people who knows Holz Mo as well. The perfect example would be my good old friend Julie; Julie and I are good friends from my awful and dreadful Mandarin course at the University of Toronto. I was awfully bored one day during a tutorial (when am I never not? ;) ) and decided to add myself on Julie's telephone directory in her cell. As I was typing my name into her phone, she surprisingly asked "Your last name is 'Ho'??", "Yep" I replied. Julie went on saying, "I know a Holz Mo!"... and of course, from thereon, we both realized we know Holz Mo.
Because Holz and I have mutual friends, we often get each other's email messages. That is, my friend(s) would email something which was meant for me to Holz Mo instead, and vice versa. I remember long ago, I received an email about some worship practice at Jaffray Chinese Alliance Church... a church that I know of, but don't attend. Then I remembered my good old pal Holz went there. Recently, my friend's been email her about some get together for the Mandarin crew, which was meant for me, so I've been totally unaware that this get together even existed. Interesting, huh?
During the last joint fellowship meeting between Jaffray and North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church (where I go), Holz and I partnered up and were in the same group for activities. We all had to introduce ourselves in the big group. We were sitting next to each other, and finally, Holz introduced herself, and what University/High School she goes to.
HM: Hi, I'm Holz, and I go to Queen's.
HH: Hi, I'm Holz, and I go to UT.
The Group Leader: (Since he knows the both of us personally...) No, No, No... you guys gotta do it with the last names!
HM: Fine, I'm Holz Mo, and I go to Queen's.
HH: I'm Holz Ho, and I go to UT.
Personally, that was a wierd, but memorable experience for me. I mean, how often do you get to meet someone who ALMOST has the exact same name as you do, and you have to introduce yourselves one after another? Nonetheless, at least we understand each other a bit when it comes with name teasing - both of us are constantly made fun of.
That's my blah of the day ;)
... Holz. Holz H. I do not know many people with the name "Holz", but I do personally know one person with the same name as I. Her name? Holz. (d'uh...) Holz Mo. Holz Ho, Holz Mo. We have many mutual acquaintances. Believe me, it's a small world out there. We first met at a joint fellowship thingy with her church and my church. Throughout the past few years, I've met a couple people who knows Holz Mo as well. The perfect example would be my good old friend Julie; Julie and I are good friends from my awful and dreadful Mandarin course at the University of Toronto. I was awfully bored one day during a tutorial (when am I never not? ;) ) and decided to add myself on Julie's telephone directory in her cell. As I was typing my name into her phone, she surprisingly asked "Your last name is 'Ho'??", "Yep" I replied. Julie went on saying, "I know a Holz Mo!"... and of course, from thereon, we both realized we know Holz Mo.
Because Holz and I have mutual friends, we often get each other's email messages. That is, my friend(s) would email something which was meant for me to Holz Mo instead, and vice versa. I remember long ago, I received an email about some worship practice at Jaffray Chinese Alliance Church... a church that I know of, but don't attend. Then I remembered my good old pal Holz went there. Recently, my friend's been email her about some get together for the Mandarin crew, which was meant for me, so I've been totally unaware that this get together even existed. Interesting, huh?
During the last joint fellowship meeting between Jaffray and North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church (where I go), Holz and I partnered up and were in the same group for activities. We all had to introduce ourselves in the big group. We were sitting next to each other, and finally, Holz introduced herself, and what University/High School she goes to.
HM: Hi, I'm Holz, and I go to Queen's.
HH: Hi, I'm Holz, and I go to UT.
The Group Leader: (Since he knows the both of us personally...) No, No, No... you guys gotta do it with the last names!
HM: Fine, I'm Holz Mo, and I go to Queen's.
HH: I'm Holz Ho, and I go to UT.
Personally, that was a wierd, but memorable experience for me. I mean, how often do you get to meet someone who ALMOST has the exact same name as you do, and you have to introduce yourselves one after another? Nonetheless, at least we understand each other a bit when it comes with name teasing - both of us are constantly made fun of.
That's my blah of the day ;)
A Regular Update of the Life of Hollyholz
B-I-N-G-O.... Today was bingo day at work... and the lady who sits beside me, Shanta, and I shared 3 bingo cards. Unfortunately, we were missing 2 numbers and before we knew it, another lady sitting closeby to us yelled "BINGO!" Darn. I was hoping to get some money and start building up funds for Holly's Hockey Jersey Fund. Hey, if Shanta and I won, I would've been able to pour in $60 into my jersey fund. (The prize was $120, but since I was sharing.... we would've split it into two...) As I mentioned yesterday, today was mysterious potluck lunch day too. It was the first time ever that I've tasted authentic Indian food. People brought in samosas, Indian rice, etc. I also tried Russian cabbage rolls too. It was an interesting lunch, and quite filling too! A bunch of us HAD to buy coffee afterwards just to barely stay awake. We were joking how this was a celebration 'cause the director and VP of Finance weren't here to hawk at us today.... Yay! :) To end the day off, my ex-boss (who left for Manulife) came back to visit, and was I ever surprised to see her! However, I'm not quite sure how my current boss liked it....
GO LEAFS GO - They won tonight!!! :) The Hoglund goal was such... a.... lucky one. Like a friend once said, Hoglund's goals are always so coincidental. All he has to do is just bring his stick a little higher or move it slightly and in goes a goal. Even Hoglund knows his goals surprises all the Leaf fans, especially himself!
I finally got to see my friend, Karen, after a few good months. I think the last time I saw her was in January, shortly after my visit to Waterloo, to see her and a few friends. We went for dessert - I get these dessert cravings once a week now... it's VERY dangerous for me :) But my crepe was very good... while spending some time with Karen, I realize how hard it is to keep close and old friends. I really appreciate those friendships....
I just found out a friend of mines is getting married!!! Wow.... kinda hard to believe one of my closest friends is getting married... she's a big sis to me... (about a few good years my senior), so.... I'm really glad and happy for her.
This wkend, got a lot to catch up with... I still haven't touched anything from my summer school course, BUT I do know what mercantilism is... and that Classicalists have battered and questioned mercantilism... and has something to do with David Ricardo, this dude who's theory was too hard for me to grasp and caused me to fail my first macroeconomics midterm. GAAAH :P Anyhow, lots of economics to catch up on. Toodles for now...
B-I-N-G-O.... Today was bingo day at work... and the lady who sits beside me, Shanta, and I shared 3 bingo cards. Unfortunately, we were missing 2 numbers and before we knew it, another lady sitting closeby to us yelled "BINGO!" Darn. I was hoping to get some money and start building up funds for Holly's Hockey Jersey Fund. Hey, if Shanta and I won, I would've been able to pour in $60 into my jersey fund. (The prize was $120, but since I was sharing.... we would've split it into two...) As I mentioned yesterday, today was mysterious potluck lunch day too. It was the first time ever that I've tasted authentic Indian food. People brought in samosas, Indian rice, etc. I also tried Russian cabbage rolls too. It was an interesting lunch, and quite filling too! A bunch of us HAD to buy coffee afterwards just to barely stay awake. We were joking how this was a celebration 'cause the director and VP of Finance weren't here to hawk at us today.... Yay! :) To end the day off, my ex-boss (who left for Manulife) came back to visit, and was I ever surprised to see her! However, I'm not quite sure how my current boss liked it....
GO LEAFS GO - They won tonight!!! :) The Hoglund goal was such... a.... lucky one. Like a friend once said, Hoglund's goals are always so coincidental. All he has to do is just bring his stick a little higher or move it slightly and in goes a goal. Even Hoglund knows his goals surprises all the Leaf fans, especially himself!
I finally got to see my friend, Karen, after a few good months. I think the last time I saw her was in January, shortly after my visit to Waterloo, to see her and a few friends. We went for dessert - I get these dessert cravings once a week now... it's VERY dangerous for me :) But my crepe was very good... while spending some time with Karen, I realize how hard it is to keep close and old friends. I really appreciate those friendships....
I just found out a friend of mines is getting married!!! Wow.... kinda hard to believe one of my closest friends is getting married... she's a big sis to me... (about a few good years my senior), so.... I'm really glad and happy for her.
This wkend, got a lot to catch up with... I still haven't touched anything from my summer school course, BUT I do know what mercantilism is... and that Classicalists have battered and questioned mercantilism... and has something to do with David Ricardo, this dude who's theory was too hard for me to grasp and caused me to fail my first macroeconomics midterm. GAAAH :P Anyhow, lots of economics to catch up on. Toodles for now...
Hee hee hee....
One good thing about a blog is, you don't necessarily have to forward all the good forwards you receive to a gazillion people - instead, let them read it at their own pleasure thru your blog. So here's a good one I received.... and of course, it's related to hockey. Speaking of which, we beat the Canes..... GO LEAFS GO!!!!! :) Here's the forward... enjoy!
Four hockey fans are mountain-climbing. Each climber happens to be a rabid fan of a different NHL team. As they climb higher and higher, they argue more and more about which of them is the most loyal to their particular team. Finally, as they reach the summit, the climber from Vancouver takes a running leap and throw himself off the mountain, yelling, "This is for the Vancouver Canucks." Not wanting to be outdone, the climber from Calgary throws himself off the mountain, shouting, "This is for the Calgary Flames." Seeing this, the Toronto climber walks to the edge of the precipice, yells, "This is for the Toronto Maple Leafs!!!" and pushes the guy from Ottawa off the cliff.
One good thing about a blog is, you don't necessarily have to forward all the good forwards you receive to a gazillion people - instead, let them read it at their own pleasure thru your blog. So here's a good one I received.... and of course, it's related to hockey. Speaking of which, we beat the Canes..... GO LEAFS GO!!!!! :) Here's the forward... enjoy!
Four hockey fans are mountain-climbing. Each climber happens to be a rabid fan of a different NHL team. As they climb higher and higher, they argue more and more about which of them is the most loyal to their particular team. Finally, as they reach the summit, the climber from Vancouver takes a running leap and throw himself off the mountain, yelling, "This is for the Vancouver Canucks." Not wanting to be outdone, the climber from Calgary throws himself off the mountain, shouting, "This is for the Calgary Flames." Seeing this, the Toronto climber walks to the edge of the precipice, yells, "This is for the Toronto Maple Leafs!!!" and pushes the guy from Ottawa off the cliff.
Sore Loser
I'm just browsing through one of my favourite hockey sites, and was reading an article about last night's game (Leafs and Sens). I was reading in disbelief when I saw this:
"If Domi had a bit better balance, we would have won the series," ~D. Alfredsson, Captain of the Ottawa Senators
Basically, the column said Alfredsson was trying to imply Domi had embellished the boarding call (he was boarded by one of the Sens players)... which was pretty much true. I mean, the Sens are the BEST when it comes to making stupid comments like this. If Domi was elbowed the SAME WAY as he elbowed Scott Neidermayer last year, I would actually consider agreeing to Alfredsson, but HELLO... Domi ended up having God-knows-how-many stitches above his eye? I guess you can fake an injury, but to fake blood and gore... I don't think so.
Domi's reply? --> "Excuses are for losers, so I guess they are making them because we won," ~Tie Domi GO LEAFS GO :)
Here's another sore loser comment made by the ever-so-bitter Senators...
"They[Toronto Maple Leafs] didn't win the series," Phillips said. "We[Ottawa Senators] lost it."
(Yes, we did win the series - we had more guts, heart, and determination than they did... so beat it Ottawa!)
I guess the only person on the Senators I DO feel sorry for is Jacques Martin; he IS a great coach after all... but as for the Sens, they should go to North Carolina.... to play golf :)
I'm just browsing through one of my favourite hockey sites, and was reading an article about last night's game (Leafs and Sens). I was reading in disbelief when I saw this:
"If Domi had a bit better balance, we would have won the series," ~D. Alfredsson, Captain of the Ottawa Senators
Basically, the column said Alfredsson was trying to imply Domi had embellished the boarding call (he was boarded by one of the Sens players)... which was pretty much true. I mean, the Sens are the BEST when it comes to making stupid comments like this. If Domi was elbowed the SAME WAY as he elbowed Scott Neidermayer last year, I would actually consider agreeing to Alfredsson, but HELLO... Domi ended up having God-knows-how-many stitches above his eye? I guess you can fake an injury, but to fake blood and gore... I don't think so.
Domi's reply? --> "Excuses are for losers, so I guess they are making them because we won," ~Tie Domi GO LEAFS GO :)
Here's another sore loser comment made by the ever-so-bitter Senators...
"They[Toronto Maple Leafs] didn't win the series," Phillips said. "We[Ottawa Senators] lost it."
(Yes, we did win the series - we had more guts, heart, and determination than they did... so beat it Ottawa!)
I guess the only person on the Senators I DO feel sorry for is Jacques Martin; he IS a great coach after all... but as for the Sens, they should go to North Carolina.... to play golf :)
My, I'd think after school ended, I would have more time to blog... and more time to think of and write interesting blogs. Unfortunately, that isn't so...
2nd week of work has been interesting so far. I've been making my frequent trips down to the Tim Hortons at Finch station. Supposedly, the employees at the North American Centre and the Xerox Tower (the two gold towers above Finch Station) aren't supposed to get into the station just for coffee, but I've been bumping into nice TTC ppl who lets me in all the time. I've only encountered one anal TTC person who wouldn't let me in... (but then, luckily the other booth was opened and the other TTC person let me pass through). Ahhh, I'm becoming a caffeine addict once again.
Tomorrow's the potluck lunch for my department. It's a very interesting group this year. Last year, nothing really happened until my old boss left the compnay (then we had a nice party for her). After debating whether or not I should bring "cha-siu" (Chinese bbq pork), I decided to be lazy and chip in with four/five others to buy utensils, drinks, etc. It's supposed to be a mysterious international potluck... so it ought to be interesting.
Man, the game last night was AWESOME - I watched every single minute of the game. As I was heading home from watching the game at my piano students' place, I could hear horns beeping everywhere.... and of course, we joined in the beeping! I also brought the Leafs flag with me to work yesterday; plenty of guys walked by my cubicle and softly cheered "GO LEAFS GO"... the director of finance was dressed in blue and white too! At first, a bunch of us thought she coincidentally wore blue and white, since she's not really the sporty type... but I verified at the end of the day that she did it 'cause it was blue and white day! Glad to see so many buds fans... I wish I could've joined the party on Yonge St.
Summer school has started, and the prof has apparently covered the first part (out of four) of the material for "term one". My course only goes on for six weeks, but you get a full credit for it. Normally, you would have to take four months of summer school just to get one stupid credit. Anyway, so term one lasts for three weeks... AAAHHHHH! So MUCH to read. Of course, most of you know I'm skipping school because I simply cannot skip work to go to class... Hehe. Speaking of school, I finally got all my marks on ROSI today - I am not tremendously jumping up and down with joy, but I am satisfied with my Stats mark.... Went in the exam with a C- avg, came out with a B- avg.... and I passed accounting. Yay! Second year is officially over....!
All righty, must start getting to studying - after all, I have a lot to catch up. This oughta be fun...
My, I'd think after school ended, I would have more time to blog... and more time to think of and write interesting blogs. Unfortunately, that isn't so...
2nd week of work has been interesting so far. I've been making my frequent trips down to the Tim Hortons at Finch station. Supposedly, the employees at the North American Centre and the Xerox Tower (the two gold towers above Finch Station) aren't supposed to get into the station just for coffee, but I've been bumping into nice TTC ppl who lets me in all the time. I've only encountered one anal TTC person who wouldn't let me in... (but then, luckily the other booth was opened and the other TTC person let me pass through). Ahhh, I'm becoming a caffeine addict once again.
Tomorrow's the potluck lunch for my department. It's a very interesting group this year. Last year, nothing really happened until my old boss left the compnay (then we had a nice party for her). After debating whether or not I should bring "cha-siu" (Chinese bbq pork), I decided to be lazy and chip in with four/five others to buy utensils, drinks, etc. It's supposed to be a mysterious international potluck... so it ought to be interesting.
Man, the game last night was AWESOME - I watched every single minute of the game. As I was heading home from watching the game at my piano students' place, I could hear horns beeping everywhere.... and of course, we joined in the beeping! I also brought the Leafs flag with me to work yesterday; plenty of guys walked by my cubicle and softly cheered "GO LEAFS GO"... the director of finance was dressed in blue and white too! At first, a bunch of us thought she coincidentally wore blue and white, since she's not really the sporty type... but I verified at the end of the day that she did it 'cause it was blue and white day! Glad to see so many buds fans... I wish I could've joined the party on Yonge St.
Summer school has started, and the prof has apparently covered the first part (out of four) of the material for "term one". My course only goes on for six weeks, but you get a full credit for it. Normally, you would have to take four months of summer school just to get one stupid credit. Anyway, so term one lasts for three weeks... AAAHHHHH! So MUCH to read. Of course, most of you know I'm skipping school because I simply cannot skip work to go to class... Hehe. Speaking of school, I finally got all my marks on ROSI today - I am not tremendously jumping up and down with joy, but I am satisfied with my Stats mark.... Went in the exam with a C- avg, came out with a B- avg.... and I passed accounting. Yay! Second year is officially over....!
All righty, must start getting to studying - after all, I have a lot to catch up. This oughta be fun...
Hockey Night in Canada
I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to where the sheet music for the theme song of "Hockey Night in Canada" can be found. If you're in the Toronto area, I'm pretty sure that The Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) Bookstore OR Remenyi's (which is across from the RCM) have lots of copies of the sheet music. Both are located on Bloor Street West, between Avenue Road and St. George Street. However, if you REALLY cannot resist, you can always order online at I purchased mine at Remenyi... but anyhoo, hope this helps.
*yawn* nighttime!
I've been getting a lot of inquiries as to where the sheet music for the theme song of "Hockey Night in Canada" can be found. If you're in the Toronto area, I'm pretty sure that The Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) Bookstore OR Remenyi's (which is across from the RCM) have lots of copies of the sheet music. Both are located on Bloor Street West, between Avenue Road and St. George Street. However, if you REALLY cannot resist, you can always order online at I purchased mine at Remenyi... but anyhoo, hope this helps.
*yawn* nighttime!
I think my blogger is really having some problems.... at least on my laptop it is, but not with my dad's computer.... *sigh*

Fat chance my butt. Look where we're at right now!!! :) Although I must admit, like Ron McLean said, if you make a line up chart from the Injured Leafs list, the line up would be quite impressive ;)
To show some team spririt...
GO LEAFS GO!!!!! =) Notice #39 - Travis Green; he makes me laugh my head off whenever he cheers - his mouth is always opened and shaped like an "O"...Of course, Domi is standing right next to him... :) (I just realized I posted this picture up a week or two ago... but still, I like it so I'm gonna share it with you again) Hee hee. Like good old Mel says, let's wear blue and white to work tomorrow! I'm seriously gonna bring my flag this time...

Fat chance my butt. Look where we're at right now!!! :) Although I must admit, like Ron McLean said, if you make a line up chart from the Injured Leafs list, the line up would be quite impressive ;)
To show some team spririt...

GO LEAFS GO!!!!! =) Notice #39 - Travis Green; he makes me laugh my head off whenever he cheers - his mouth is always opened and shaped like an "O"...Of course, Domi is standing right next to him... :) (I just realized I posted this picture up a week or two ago... but still, I like it so I'm gonna share it with you again) Hee hee. Like good old Mel says, let's wear blue and white to work tomorrow! I'm seriously gonna bring my flag this time...
...I haven't blogged in so long. For the first time since December 2000, I was internet free for the day!!! I didn't go online for the entire day yesterday, and to my surprise, I'm actually quite proud of myself!
So I'm finally updating. I've actually got an inspiration to start another blog - but it's moreso a blog for Japanese Restuarants. I LOVE and crave for Japanese food all the time (my big sis cathy would know...). We'll see. I think I'll do that....! Besides, most of my fellow bloggers (Lyds, Matt) and friends do enjoy fine Japanese dining... I'll keep you all posted on that.
The Leafs' game is on right now. 2nd Intermission, tied at 3. Death to the Senators!!!!! ;) I tell you, Domi should be one of the 3 stars for the game - In the first period, he got hit and ended up going into the locker room... the stupid idiot who hit Domi ended up having a 5 minute major penalty.... which allowed the leafs to score TWICE and tie the game!!! Surprisingly, after the powerplay, the Leafs looked quite refreshed and energetic. Man, Domi has been the light and inspiration to the team - his sacrifice to the team (by letting the guy pound him) has pull the team back up from the rubbles. GO LEAFS GO! GO DOMI GO!
I've been keeping myself not so busy this weekend. Ended up NOT going anywhere this weekend, except to see my grandparents. For Mother's Day, ended up staying home the whole day (except for the morning - went to church...) cleaning the house for my mom. She was happy,all right! Same with me... 'cause I didn't really spend too much money on a gift! It's all good. However, I think all the chemicals from the windex and other cleaning goodies have gotten to me, 'cause I do feel a little dizzy and stuff... I must've used TOO much. :)
First week of work came and went by quickly. On my first day of work, I DID complain how I sat far away from my department. Right now, I'm actually content with my location. My boss rarely passes by there, which is great for me; the director of finance AND the VP never go by my area, which is even better!!!! The VP is actually really strict and does frequent the accounting/finance department for surveillance purposes... Plus, the lady next to me is AWESOME... she's fun and great to chat to. I like it now... :) Another thing - my new boss is a Christian too, so it's kinda cool. I went by his office the other day just to say 'bye'... and he asked me if I went to church. Being surprised, I replied 'yes' and asked how did he know. Apparently, this guy has a good memory - he recalled from reading my resume (which I sent in LAST year, and was completely unaware that he had gone through my resume...); Turns out he goes to Scarb. Chinese Alliance. What a small world.
I just had some problems with posting - by now, the Leafs game is over AND WE WIN 4-3 BABY!!!! GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game 7 back at the Hangar. Go Leafs Go!!!!! That's it, I'm brining my Leafs flag to work tomorrow!!! :)
...I haven't blogged in so long. For the first time since December 2000, I was internet free for the day!!! I didn't go online for the entire day yesterday, and to my surprise, I'm actually quite proud of myself!
So I'm finally updating. I've actually got an inspiration to start another blog - but it's moreso a blog for Japanese Restuarants. I LOVE and crave for Japanese food all the time (my big sis cathy would know...). We'll see. I think I'll do that....! Besides, most of my fellow bloggers (Lyds, Matt) and friends do enjoy fine Japanese dining... I'll keep you all posted on that.
The Leafs' game is on right now. 2nd Intermission, tied at 3. Death to the Senators!!!!! ;) I tell you, Domi should be one of the 3 stars for the game - In the first period, he got hit and ended up going into the locker room... the stupid idiot who hit Domi ended up having a 5 minute major penalty.... which allowed the leafs to score TWICE and tie the game!!! Surprisingly, after the powerplay, the Leafs looked quite refreshed and energetic. Man, Domi has been the light and inspiration to the team - his sacrifice to the team (by letting the guy pound him) has pull the team back up from the rubbles. GO LEAFS GO! GO DOMI GO!
I've been keeping myself not so busy this weekend. Ended up NOT going anywhere this weekend, except to see my grandparents. For Mother's Day, ended up staying home the whole day (except for the morning - went to church...) cleaning the house for my mom. She was happy,all right! Same with me... 'cause I didn't really spend too much money on a gift! It's all good. However, I think all the chemicals from the windex and other cleaning goodies have gotten to me, 'cause I do feel a little dizzy and stuff... I must've used TOO much. :)
First week of work came and went by quickly. On my first day of work, I DID complain how I sat far away from my department. Right now, I'm actually content with my location. My boss rarely passes by there, which is great for me; the director of finance AND the VP never go by my area, which is even better!!!! The VP is actually really strict and does frequent the accounting/finance department for surveillance purposes... Plus, the lady next to me is AWESOME... she's fun and great to chat to. I like it now... :) Another thing - my new boss is a Christian too, so it's kinda cool. I went by his office the other day just to say 'bye'... and he asked me if I went to church. Being surprised, I replied 'yes' and asked how did he know. Apparently, this guy has a good memory - he recalled from reading my resume (which I sent in LAST year, and was completely unaware that he had gone through my resume...); Turns out he goes to Scarb. Chinese Alliance. What a small world.
I just had some problems with posting - by now, the Leafs game is over AND WE WIN 4-3 BABY!!!! GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game 7 back at the Hangar. Go Leafs Go!!!!! That's it, I'm brining my Leafs flag to work tomorrow!!! :)
Second Day of Work...
... is over. I get to leave early, 'cause I skipped my lunch break. My coffee kept me going.. hehe. Now I'm heading for my piano lesson... *sigh* No rest for Holly.
... is over. I get to leave early, 'cause I skipped my lunch break. My coffee kept me going.. hehe. Now I'm heading for my piano lesson... *sigh* No rest for Holly.
First Day of Work
I am surprised how quickly the day has gone by. I am also surprised that I am sitting in the Claims Department, while I belong to the Accounting/Finance Department. Last year, the Accounting/Finance department was practically empty. Although I had my own cubicle, I chose to sit in the other two during different times of the week. This year, not only do they have no space for me to sit, but they don't even have enough seats for their own regular employees/contract people to sit. I'm not complaining though; the lady whom I sit next to is very nice and friendly, which made my day... (as I was starting to get depressed about the seating arrangements). I also have a new boss this year,and I barely see him... which is kinda good and kinda bad. Bleh, it's only the first day, so we'll see how it goes.
I am also surprised I get internet connection now at work!!! Yay! Last year, I had to beg my colleage to use the 'net... but now, I get my own! Yes, that sounds a little pathetic, but that's my workplace for you! However, I was depressed when I couldn't find a CD drive on my CPU. That means no more beats during endless hours of budgeting. BOO.
Anyhoo, must get up early. No more blogs 'til tomorrow hehe. Maybe I'll update at work; you'll never know.
I am surprised how quickly the day has gone by. I am also surprised that I am sitting in the Claims Department, while I belong to the Accounting/Finance Department. Last year, the Accounting/Finance department was practically empty. Although I had my own cubicle, I chose to sit in the other two during different times of the week. This year, not only do they have no space for me to sit, but they don't even have enough seats for their own regular employees/contract people to sit. I'm not complaining though; the lady whom I sit next to is very nice and friendly, which made my day... (as I was starting to get depressed about the seating arrangements). I also have a new boss this year,and I barely see him... which is kinda good and kinda bad. Bleh, it's only the first day, so we'll see how it goes.
I am also surprised I get internet connection now at work!!! Yay! Last year, I had to beg my colleage to use the 'net... but now, I get my own! Yes, that sounds a little pathetic, but that's my workplace for you! However, I was depressed when I couldn't find a CD drive on my CPU. That means no more beats during endless hours of budgeting. BOO.
Anyhoo, must get up early. No more blogs 'til tomorrow hehe. Maybe I'll update at work; you'll never know.
Amazing Comeback...
...yet, it was too late. I'm talking about the Leafs, of course. After all, what else do I blab the most about? :) Anyway, Ian and I were watching the game at Montana's and it got kinda depressing after the third goal (and after Cujo got into a fit); with less than 4 minutes to go in the third period, the Leafs were down 3-0... thinking that they couldn't get back up, we left Montanas... I come home and find out they lost, but the score was 3-2! Man, GO LEAFS GO! I guess they just need more motivation. Haha. I'm sure they can pull it off.
...yet, it was too late. I'm talking about the Leafs, of course. After all, what else do I blab the most about? :) Anyway, Ian and I were watching the game at Montana's and it got kinda depressing after the third goal (and after Cujo got into a fit); with less than 4 minutes to go in the third period, the Leafs were down 3-0... thinking that they couldn't get back up, we left Montanas... I come home and find out they lost, but the score was 3-2! Man, GO LEAFS GO! I guess they just need more motivation. Haha. I'm sure they can pull it off.
In less than 10 Hours...
I'll be sitting in a cubicle, slaving away at my work place. I'm kind of nervous, albeit I am a returning summer student. I guess much has changed, from what I've been told, and I don't know what to expect. Ah wells, I'll keep you posted.
I didn't know I had such a fan... Lyds, I'll update soon... I guess once I get a routine or something in place, I'll start updating again. These past few days have been awfully busy, and I just haven't had time to post. :(
On a completely unrelated note, I got myself a Leafs flag today! That kinda compensates for the Jersey that I would love to get but unfortunately cannot afford. I wanted to get one of those flags where you can stick it outside your car, but since a) I don't have a car and b) my dad forbid me from hanging any sort of object outside his car, I got myself a regular flag. So if you see this wacked girl running up and down the street waving a Leafs flag, beep your horn!
For the past few days, once again I realize how small this world is. On friday night, as one of the guys at fellowship was showing off his pictures from the CCF in Waterloo, this one picture caught my eye. I said "Joe, who's this girl in this pic??" Joe's like "Oh, you mean Lue?"
I WAS FREAKING OUT!!! Lue is this girl from EDMONTON who used to come down to Toronto for theory every summer at the RCM - I met her 6 years ago and lost touch with her... so I was soo happy to get in touch with her. Today, while I was shopping at Fairview, I bumped into this girl whom I used to take Chinese with back in gr. 9. (It took me a while to remember her name...) Got into the usual conversation - how are you, what school do you go to, what program you're in, etc. So I asked her what program she was in... and turns out she's at Western, doing comp sci, but going into Ivey... just exactly like my friend Carol... So I asked this girl if she knew my friend Carol...It's a small small word... 'cause this girl was in Carol's marketing biz project group!!!! CAROL!!! CAN YOU GUESS WHO IT IS?!??!! (msg me and I'll let you know... haha) Small world. Speaking of Fairview, I hate going there.... I always bump into too many people there. I think I bumped into three groups of people today alone... :P Good thing I'm not an avid shopper.
Anyway, time to get ready and go to sleep. Big and long day ahead of me.... booo... work... :P
I'll be sitting in a cubicle, slaving away at my work place. I'm kind of nervous, albeit I am a returning summer student. I guess much has changed, from what I've been told, and I don't know what to expect. Ah wells, I'll keep you posted.
I didn't know I had such a fan... Lyds, I'll update soon... I guess once I get a routine or something in place, I'll start updating again. These past few days have been awfully busy, and I just haven't had time to post. :(
On a completely unrelated note, I got myself a Leafs flag today! That kinda compensates for the Jersey that I would love to get but unfortunately cannot afford. I wanted to get one of those flags where you can stick it outside your car, but since a) I don't have a car and b) my dad forbid me from hanging any sort of object outside his car, I got myself a regular flag. So if you see this wacked girl running up and down the street waving a Leafs flag, beep your horn!
For the past few days, once again I realize how small this world is. On friday night, as one of the guys at fellowship was showing off his pictures from the CCF in Waterloo, this one picture caught my eye. I said "Joe, who's this girl in this pic??" Joe's like "Oh, you mean Lue?"
I WAS FREAKING OUT!!! Lue is this girl from EDMONTON who used to come down to Toronto for theory every summer at the RCM - I met her 6 years ago and lost touch with her... so I was soo happy to get in touch with her. Today, while I was shopping at Fairview, I bumped into this girl whom I used to take Chinese with back in gr. 9. (It took me a while to remember her name...) Got into the usual conversation - how are you, what school do you go to, what program you're in, etc. So I asked her what program she was in... and turns out she's at Western, doing comp sci, but going into Ivey... just exactly like my friend Carol... So I asked this girl if she knew my friend Carol...It's a small small word... 'cause this girl was in Carol's marketing biz project group!!!! CAROL!!! CAN YOU GUESS WHO IT IS?!??!! (msg me and I'll let you know... haha) Small world. Speaking of Fairview, I hate going there.... I always bump into too many people there. I think I bumped into three groups of people today alone... :P Good thing I'm not an avid shopper.
Anyway, time to get ready and go to sleep. Big and long day ahead of me.... booo... work... :P
3 OVERTIME PERIODS BABY!!! Props to Roberts (though he looks like a thug right now with that big bruise underneath his eye)
3 OVERTIME PERIODS BABY!!! Props to Roberts (though he looks like a thug right now with that big bruise underneath his eye)
It's been a while...
...since I've really blogged. You see, once exams are over, I don't go on the internet as often as I normally would during the school year. Anyhoo, the past two days have been eventful; kinda sad that the weekend's almost over... 'cause that means Monday is approaching quickly. I start working on Monday, and I'm not looking forward to working 37.5 hours a week. On top of that, I have summer school, so.... blah. I'll fill you in on my mini-vacation...
Decided to go and feast with my friend and her mom (who happens to be my mom's close friend). We went to this sushi place by Kennedy and Hwy 7; it was really really good. :) We ordered TOO much.... we had this big sushi bridge covered with sashimi and sushi... it was wonderful! I taught piano, and came home for a mini break before going for fellowship... it was fun 'cause we went minigolfing! For the first time in ages, there were more girls in the fellowship, besides the usual three or four (Myles, Lilly, Peggy, and Myself). All of us went for Pho after... I am not gonna eat pho for a very long time 'cause I got a big stomach ache right afterwards.... In fact, my stomach still hurt this morning. :(
Today was the most eventful day. Woke up early for dim sum with my grandparents, whom I haven't seen for a month; came home and cleaned the house, played some piano, and the day quickly went by. Met up with Pris, Edgar, and Ian for dinner, movies, and supposedly bubble tea.
We went to Kelseys for dinner, and got to the theatre around 7pm, 20 minutes before the movie started. It was already a bit late, and we ended up sitting in the third row to the front... for the whole movie, Pris and I were dizzy; nevertheless, the movie was awesome! The last movie I saw in the theatre was Rush Hour 2...and that WAS a while back. Originally, Pris was insistent on going for bubbletea (which I don't understand, since she doesn't like the bubbles in the drink...) but we were talking about mini golfing and decided to do that!!! (Yep, that's again for both Ian and I... two times in two days!) As usual, I got fourth, but it was a fun and spontaneous night. We ended off with some dessert at a ghetto place. Very enjoyable. The third OT just started when we got to the dessert place and we heard the cheering and stuff when the game ended. :) Very eventful night... :)
...since I've really blogged. You see, once exams are over, I don't go on the internet as often as I normally would during the school year. Anyhoo, the past two days have been eventful; kinda sad that the weekend's almost over... 'cause that means Monday is approaching quickly. I start working on Monday, and I'm not looking forward to working 37.5 hours a week. On top of that, I have summer school, so.... blah. I'll fill you in on my mini-vacation...
Decided to go and feast with my friend and her mom (who happens to be my mom's close friend). We went to this sushi place by Kennedy and Hwy 7; it was really really good. :) We ordered TOO much.... we had this big sushi bridge covered with sashimi and sushi... it was wonderful! I taught piano, and came home for a mini break before going for fellowship... it was fun 'cause we went minigolfing! For the first time in ages, there were more girls in the fellowship, besides the usual three or four (Myles, Lilly, Peggy, and Myself). All of us went for Pho after... I am not gonna eat pho for a very long time 'cause I got a big stomach ache right afterwards.... In fact, my stomach still hurt this morning. :(
Today was the most eventful day. Woke up early for dim sum with my grandparents, whom I haven't seen for a month; came home and cleaned the house, played some piano, and the day quickly went by. Met up with Pris, Edgar, and Ian for dinner, movies, and supposedly bubble tea.
We went to Kelseys for dinner, and got to the theatre around 7pm, 20 minutes before the movie started. It was already a bit late, and we ended up sitting in the third row to the front... for the whole movie, Pris and I were dizzy; nevertheless, the movie was awesome! The last movie I saw in the theatre was Rush Hour 2...and that WAS a while back. Originally, Pris was insistent on going for bubbletea (which I don't understand, since she doesn't like the bubbles in the drink...) but we were talking about mini golfing and decided to do that!!! (Yep, that's again for both Ian and I... two times in two days!) As usual, I got fourth, but it was a fun and spontaneous night. We ended off with some dessert at a ghetto place. Very enjoyable. The third OT just started when we got to the dessert place and we heard the cheering and stuff when the game ended. :) Very eventful night... :)
The Battle of Ontario!!!
Yay!!! Leafs vs. Sens.... GO LEAFS GO! For you Leaf fans out there:
Thursday, May 2 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Saturday, May 4 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Monday, May 6 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Wednesday, May 8 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Friday, May 10, at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Sunday, May 12 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Tuesday, May 14 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
TOMORROW AT HOME!!!! :) I have more to blab about hockey, but as usual, I'm tired. I'll leave off with a picture though... :)
There's the team spirit. GO LEAFS GO!
Yay!!! Leafs vs. Sens.... GO LEAFS GO! For you Leaf fans out there:
Thursday, May 2 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Saturday, May 4 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Monday, May 6 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Wednesday, May 8 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Friday, May 10, at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
Sunday, May 12 at Ottawa, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN2)
Tuesday, May 14 at Toronto, 7 pm (CBC, ESPN)
TOMORROW AT HOME!!!! :) I have more to blab about hockey, but as usual, I'm tired. I'll leave off with a picture though... :)
There's the team spirit. GO LEAFS GO!
I'm Free!!!!
Totally exhausted, tired, but very content. 2nd Year of University is over, and am I ever glad. This year has been tough, and many of my friends and I agree it's a good thing we're done 2nd year; at the same time, it saddens me how fast time is passing by.
You'd think after my exam today I wouldn't have to do any studying or work, huh? Well, for the most part of the day, no, I had a pretty nice day (which I'd get into later). Some guy ICQs me and asks if I can edit his essay for him... so half the night is spent editing this essay. My mom's taking some courses and has a test tomorrow... so I had to help her studying right after editing the essay. So technically, after my exam, I still had to study and work. No fun. Boooo. Haha, so much for a great start for my summer vacation! Actually, my summer vacation isn't really that long - I start working full time on Monday (May 6th)... and then I start summer school the week after. Yay.
Well, today was an adventure. Really, it was! As soon as the guy on the mike at Varsity said "The examination is now over." I was smiling BIG. Who cares if the exam was really hard? (actually, I do) The fact that 2nd year was over was much more important than anything. I've been longing for this day for weeks. So when my exam paper was picked up, I did my little "done done done done done" dance and song, then talked to some friends before meeting up with Vicky. I met Vicky at 11:15am and we had an early lunch at my favourite Japanese restaurant downtown - Kanichiwa. I tried the Tampopo Ramen for the first time, and it was okay... I like the udons.. but what I wanna try is the Japanese curry and the Katsu Don. Anyway, after lunch, we made an unexpected and surprising trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario - I've never been inside the gallery before... and Vicky wanted to go check it out, so we both went.
The AGO is quite interesting - Vicks and I were able to catch the Yoko Ono exhibit; they also had a new exhibit opening today, the William Wegman exhibit. I've never heard of this guy before (being the art illiterate I am), but I found his art quite interesting. I liked his videos and paintings.... and oh, who could forget his lovely doggy pictures? I really liked one of his paintings - "old time game" (I think that's what it's called); what William Wegman did was he put a few hockey cards up, and just painted the missing hockey sticks and legs (from the hockey cards), and the rink plus the background. It's quite interesting. Do, click on his name (the one with the link, of course!) and check his site out. As I mentioned, we also catched the Yoko Ono exhibit. She's quite a funky lady. Her "Instructions to Painting" are quite hilarious - 'cause some of it doesn't even make sense! Here's two of which I found funny:
Painting to see the room
Drill a small, almost invisible hold
in the centre of the canvas and see
the room through it.
Smoke Painting
Light canvas or any finished painting
with a cigarette at any time for any
length of time.
See the smoke movement.
The painting ends when the whole
canvas or painting is gone.
Anyhoo, it's not the funny instructions that really caught my attention. It's this chess table that caught my eye. She designed this LONG table, with 5 or 6 chairs on each side. On the table, there are 5 or 6 chess sets (the squares are marked on the table), but it's all white. You know how there's normally a black set and a white set? Well, it's ALL white. She called this "A game of Trust" - which I really liked. It's kinda interesting how she said it required a common understanding of what the opponent is thinking and trust to play this game. Quite interesting.
That was my first ever visit at the AGO. Quite an adventure; Vicks and I headed towards the Eaton Centre, and resisted to buy A LOT of things... and succeeded! We rewarded ourselves with a free ice cream cone from Baskin Robbins. :) (They were giving them out for free today!) After a long day, we both fell asleep on the subway and ended our day by visiting Morning Glory. Gosh, I haven't been there in ages!!! It's not the same as before though - a few years back, I would've loved the store and never want to get out of there... now, I'm just indifferent.
What a long day - and I AM EXHAUSTED. Got a long day tomorrow too... boooo. Gotta visit grandparents, teach piano, tutor, gaaaah! So much to do, so little time. That's all from now. Signing off, 'til next time... :)
PS - Matt M - I read your blogger thingy - I'll get back to you very soon! (like tomorrow... when my head is all cleared up haha)
Totally exhausted, tired, but very content. 2nd Year of University is over, and am I ever glad. This year has been tough, and many of my friends and I agree it's a good thing we're done 2nd year; at the same time, it saddens me how fast time is passing by.
You'd think after my exam today I wouldn't have to do any studying or work, huh? Well, for the most part of the day, no, I had a pretty nice day (which I'd get into later). Some guy ICQs me and asks if I can edit his essay for him... so half the night is spent editing this essay. My mom's taking some courses and has a test tomorrow... so I had to help her studying right after editing the essay. So technically, after my exam, I still had to study and work. No fun. Boooo. Haha, so much for a great start for my summer vacation! Actually, my summer vacation isn't really that long - I start working full time on Monday (May 6th)... and then I start summer school the week after. Yay.
Well, today was an adventure. Really, it was! As soon as the guy on the mike at Varsity said "The examination is now over." I was smiling BIG. Who cares if the exam was really hard? (actually, I do) The fact that 2nd year was over was much more important than anything. I've been longing for this day for weeks. So when my exam paper was picked up, I did my little "done done done done done" dance and song, then talked to some friends before meeting up with Vicky. I met Vicky at 11:15am and we had an early lunch at my favourite Japanese restaurant downtown - Kanichiwa. I tried the Tampopo Ramen for the first time, and it was okay... I like the udons.. but what I wanna try is the Japanese curry and the Katsu Don. Anyway, after lunch, we made an unexpected and surprising trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario - I've never been inside the gallery before... and Vicky wanted to go check it out, so we both went.
The AGO is quite interesting - Vicks and I were able to catch the Yoko Ono exhibit; they also had a new exhibit opening today, the William Wegman exhibit. I've never heard of this guy before (being the art illiterate I am), but I found his art quite interesting. I liked his videos and paintings.... and oh, who could forget his lovely doggy pictures? I really liked one of his paintings - "old time game" (I think that's what it's called); what William Wegman did was he put a few hockey cards up, and just painted the missing hockey sticks and legs (from the hockey cards), and the rink plus the background. It's quite interesting. Do, click on his name (the one with the link, of course!) and check his site out. As I mentioned, we also catched the Yoko Ono exhibit. She's quite a funky lady. Her "Instructions to Painting" are quite hilarious - 'cause some of it doesn't even make sense! Here's two of which I found funny:
Painting to see the room
Drill a small, almost invisible hold
in the centre of the canvas and see
the room through it.
Smoke Painting
Light canvas or any finished painting
with a cigarette at any time for any
length of time.
See the smoke movement.
The painting ends when the whole
canvas or painting is gone.
Anyhoo, it's not the funny instructions that really caught my attention. It's this chess table that caught my eye. She designed this LONG table, with 5 or 6 chairs on each side. On the table, there are 5 or 6 chess sets (the squares are marked on the table), but it's all white. You know how there's normally a black set and a white set? Well, it's ALL white. She called this "A game of Trust" - which I really liked. It's kinda interesting how she said it required a common understanding of what the opponent is thinking and trust to play this game. Quite interesting.
That was my first ever visit at the AGO. Quite an adventure; Vicks and I headed towards the Eaton Centre, and resisted to buy A LOT of things... and succeeded! We rewarded ourselves with a free ice cream cone from Baskin Robbins. :) (They were giving them out for free today!) After a long day, we both fell asleep on the subway and ended our day by visiting Morning Glory. Gosh, I haven't been there in ages!!! It's not the same as before though - a few years back, I would've loved the store and never want to get out of there... now, I'm just indifferent.
What a long day - and I AM EXHAUSTED. Got a long day tomorrow too... boooo. Gotta visit grandparents, teach piano, tutor, gaaaah! So much to do, so little time. That's all from now. Signing off, 'til next time... :)
PS - Matt M - I read your blogger thingy - I'll get back to you very soon! (like tomorrow... when my head is all cleared up haha)